Training_Accredited Courses







This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government  funding.


You are eligible for a government-subsidised training place if you meet the following criteria:

  • Have physical presence in Victoria while undertaking the Qualification.
  • To be an eligible Individual in respect of any training, an individual must be either an Australian citizen,  a holder of an Australian permanent visa or a New Zealand citizen.
  • Must meet ‘up skilling’ requirements for certain cohorts, as follows: If you are aged 15-19, under the Victorian Training Guarantee, you are automatically eligible for a government subsidised place, regardless of which course level you enrol in.
  • Commence a maximum of 2 government subsidised courses in a calendar year. Where an individual is enrolled in a course(s) that is scheduled to commence at a later date in that calendar year, this course(s) must be counted for the purpose of accessing eligibility for government funding.
  • Undertake a maximum of 2 government subsidised courses at any one time.
  • Commence a maximum of 2 government subsidised courses at the same level within the AQF in their lifetime (Qualifications listed on the Foundation Skills list will not be counted towards the AQF level requirement, the Foundation Skills qualifications are included in the 2 qualification a year guideline).
  • Commence a maximum 2 government subsidised accredited courses with the title “Course in … “in their lifetime.

An individual is not eligible for government subsidised training if the individual is:

  • A student enrolled in a school.
  • A prisoner within the meaning of the Corrections Act 1986 who is held at any one of the following custodial settings as outlines in the Service Agreement.
  • A person who is detained under the Mental Health Act 1986; or the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 or the Sentencing Act 1991 at the Thomas Embling Hospital.
  • A person who is detained (other than on weekend detention) under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 or the Sentencing Act 1991 or who is held on remand in one of the following youth justice facilities as outlined in the Service Agreement.

Eligibility excemption available for students who meet the criteria for the following programs:

  • Asylum Seeker VET Program
  • TAFE and Learn Local upskilling exemption
  • Retrenched employees
  • Young People Transitioning From Care Initiative
  • Automotive Supply Chain Training Initiative
  • Back to work scheme



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